Why TPL instead of other charities?
We provide donations directly to the causes you have identified from our panel of charities. You can tell us the areas in which you wish to donate within the 5 headings:
- Sport for children and young people
- Education
- International
- Art and disability
- Mental health and wellbeing
We will ensure your donations are designated accordingly.
How do I donate to TPL?
Donations can be made via our website and by clicking on “donations” or cheques can be made payable to TPL and sent to the registered address at: Essex House, 7/8 The Shrubberies, George Lane, South Woodford, London E18 1BD. BACs transfers are also accepted but these would need to be arranged directly with the charity.
Are there any tax benefits in donating to charities?
Yes, lots of them!
Donations are a brilliant way for individuals to save tax and also for the charities to be able to reclaim Tax Relief on your contributions
- If you pay £100 to a Charity , the Charity will receive £125 and providing you are already a payer of income tax, you may be able to claim tax relief on the payment on your self assessment return; the precise details will depend upon your personal tax circumstances.
- Charitable Donations left in a will providing they are more than 10% of the Net Estate can mean that there is reduction in the rate of Inheritance payable from 40% to 36% for the whole estate.
- If the whole of a person’s estate was left to recognised Charities no Inheritance Tax would be payable.
How do I know the monies being donated are going to be used correctly as part of my wishes?
As part of our due diligence, the charities are all checked that they are registered with the Charities Commission website and the Trustees and Chief Executive of the Charity would be assessed by TPL.
How do we select our charities and make sure the funds are being provided to the chosen charities?
The Trustees will undertake to provide due diligence on each of the charities within the 5 different categories shown above. This will take the form of detailed investigations and due diligence on both the financial function and way of operating the care and frontline services of the Charity. TPL will need to be convinced that the funds given will have a lasting impact on the people’s lives.
If I donate can I be specific to any particular charity within the 4 categories?
You are able to nominate a charity within the specific categories but the Trustees would have to do the required due diligence and, ultimately, it is up to the Trustees to make the decisions on where the funds are finally allocated.
How does our charity differ to, say, other large charities?
TPL differs from the larger charities because it will be able to provide funding within the 5 categories of need mentioned above. This is particularly pertinent and powerful to you as donors as it will enable your donations to go to your preferred area with the safe knowledge that due diligence has been carried out by the Trustees on the specific charities.